

In addition to serving end-users of electricity, Renergy is an energy trader and is engaged in the purchase and sale of electricity on the wholesale energy market in Ukraine. Among other things, we sell “green” electricity generated by our own solar power plants, as well as energy produced by other plants, under bilateral agreements with other operators on the energy exchange.

Renergy has all the necessary legal, technical, financial, and commercial capabilities to conduct wholesale purchase and sale of electricity with electricity producers (generating stations) and traders or other suppliers, within Ukraine and cross-border with other countries.

The following market participants may have an interest in Renergy’s activities:

Electricity producers.
SPPs, wind farms, hydroelectric power stations (HPPs), and nuclear and thermal power plants can use our trading services to sell their electricity.
Other traders on the Ukrainian energy market.
Renergy helps other market participants manage their portfolios efficiently by providing flexible options for buying and selling electricity.
Energy suppliers.
These organizations can use Renergy's trading services to manage their energy balance, optimizing flows and increasing distribution efficiency.
Foreign traders.
Foreign companies interested in dealing with the Ukrainian energy market can use Renergy’s trading services to expand their operations and access new markets.

As a wholesale electricity trader Renergy provides comprehensive solutions to optimize energy assets. The company performs wholesale purchase and sale of electricity. For maximum efficiency and to ensure benefits for all participants, this process includes an analysis of market conditions determining the optimal conditions for concluding electricity trade transactions in Ukraine and abroad.

Technical performance:

Market monitoring.
Renergy constantly analyses market conditions to determine the best time to sell or purchase electricity.
Production optimization.
The company manages its generation capacity to maximize electricity production during the most productive periods to provide its partners with the necessary capacity of green energy.
Sales transactions.
Renergy sells electricity directly to other energy companies and consumers at current market prices or pre-agreed tariffs.

Key benefits of working with us

Renergy, and Rengy Development group at large, is one of the leading energy operators in Ukraine with all the necessary accreditations for such activities. Our company focuses on market transactions within the country, but importantly, it is also actively building new international partnerships.

The development of import and export markets with energy traders in Eastern European countries such as Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Moldova, is especially important. This provides broad opportunities for our customers, giving them access to diverse power sources and expanded opportunities in overseas markets to optimize their energy strategies.

Renergy specializes primarily in the production and supply of “green” electricity produced at our own solar power plants and at our partners’ stations. By working with us other traders and suppliers don’t just receive electricity, but product which is environmentally friendly, which will have guarantees of origin valid in the European Union in future.

By working with Renergy your business receives a reliable partner who is capable of securing stable long-term energy supplies at optimal prices, and efficient management of domestic and international energy transactions.