
Renergy operates in energy markets, specializing in the supply of predominantly clean electricity. The company acts not only as a supplier of electricity for business, but also as part of the vertically integrated holding company Rengy Development. Our activities cover all stages of the business chain in this industry, from the construction of generating capacities, the production of green electricity to the supply of energy to end consumers.

The company "RENERGY" operates on the basis of a license for the right to conduct business activities in the trade and supply of electrical energy to consumers. We have two licenses for such activities, issued on April 14, 2021 and August 29, 2023.

Renergy's business is focused on creating long-term, reliable and cost-effective energy supplies for corporate customers, while making a significant contribution to protecting the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. We are proud to offer businesses the opportunity to reduce their energy bills by switching to predominantly green energy, meeting their EE needs without harming our planet.

Renergy is part of Rengy Development, an independent power generation and distribution company (IPP) founded in 2009. At the moment, the company is actively working to expand its portfolio of projects both geographically and horizontally, focusing on the development of the full cycle from production to consumer supply.

History of the company

For more than 15 years, our company has established itself as a reliable energy partner, stably providing electricity to its partners
company-history company-history
Construction of the first power plant, which also became the first solar power plant financed by the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) in the world
We passed the 100 million kWh mark of produced clean electricity (a total of 6 previously built power plants)
Launch of EPC and O&M business, including a full-fledged design and engineering department, as well as the production of metal structures for solar power plants
Commissioning of three power plants in an equity partnership with the Norwegian energy company Scatec
Obtaining licenses for the supply and trade of electricity
Commissioning of new solar power plants with a model of operation on the exchange (without a guaranteed feed-in tariff)
Launch of the Renergy brand for trading and supplying electricity to end consumers
We passed the 1 billion kWh mark of clean electricity produced by 19 power plants built

Our services

Energy cost optimization
From 2024, we will provide green electricity with certificates of origin, which will help ensure that our customers' goods can be exported to European markets without paying CO2 taxes (CBAM Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism).
Supply of green electricity with certificates of origin
From 2024, we will provide green electricity with certificates of origin, which will help ensure that our customers' goods can be exported to European markets without paying CO2 taxes (CBAM Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism).
Consultations and support in regulating energy issues
From 2024, we will provide green electricity with certificates of origin, which will help ensure that our customers' goods can be exported to European markets without paying CO2 taxes (CBAM Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism).
Monitoring and analysis of market trends
From 2024, we will provide green electricity with certificates of origin, which will help ensure that our customers' goods can be exported to European markets without paying CO2 taxes (CBAM Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism).
These services are focused on optimizing energy costs and increasing the efficiency of interaction with energy markets.
Our company is an alternative electricity supplier that takes a comprehensive approach to solving customer energy balance issues.

Reasons to contact

Reduced energy
Using your own solar station helps to significantly reduce your electricity bills, in terms of savings on transmission and distribution system operator tariffs.
Environmental friendliness
Solar power plants do not produce greenhouse gases or other pollutants, which helps reduce harmful CO2 emissions into the atmosphere
Improving the company's
Using your own solar station helps to significantly reduce your electricity bills, in terms of savings on transmission and distribution system operator tariffs.
at work
Solar power plants have fewer safety risks compared to traditional power plants
Reducing losses
in networks
Decentralization of electricity production in the country, reducing losses in networks during transportation and increasing the energy security of the enterprise.
Solar installations have a long service life and low operating costs, providing stable energy production for more than 25 years

Advantages of cooperation with us

An independent electricity supplier in Ukraine and abroad, Renergy will provide your business with the ability to effectively manage costs, which are a significant part of the cost of production. Optimizing these costs through favorable tariffs and efficient energy solutions makes it possible to reduce overall production costs.

This, in turn, helps to increase the competitiveness of your products in the market, making them more accessible and attractive to consumers. This is in addition to the image dividends the company receives as it decarbonizes. And also to additional financial resources from lenders who offer a larger portfolio of financial instruments and at more favorable rates for green industrial enterprises.

Benefits of Renergy's business electricity services include:
benefits-cooperation Financial
We are part of a group of companies that regularly undergo financial audits according to international standards (IFRS). In addition, we actively and fruitfully cooperate with the largest Ukrainian banks and international financial organizations, including the EBRD and the BSTDB, which confirms our reliability and financial stability.
benefits-cooperation Construction of a solar
The opportunity to build a solar station at your site, becoming an active consumer, which will immediately reduce the cost of electrical energy by up to 30%. We have already walked this path using a real example and are ready to share this experience with our clients.
benefits-cooperation Environmentally friendly
electricity for business
Environmentally friendly electricity for business. Our power plants annually produce more than 180 million kWh of green electricity. We also additionally purchase clean electricity from partners and industry colleagues for further supply to consumers. This allows our customers to reduce the carbon footprint of their production and operational processes, making them greener and more sustainable.
benefits-cooperation Efficiency
and savings
Thanks to our team's experience in the production and supply of electricity, we can offer the most efficient and cost-effective terms. We guarantee the stability of electricity supplies at any time (except for force majeure situations), ensuring reliability and cost reduction for our customers.
benefits-cooperation Personalized
Our team of specialists takes an individual approach to each client, taking into account their unique needs and requirements. We strive to ensure maximum customer satisfaction by offering solutions that best suit their specific business needs.
All of the above confirms that Renergy is the right choice for maintaining long-term relationships with partners in the sale and supply of electricity to enterprises.