
Renergy supplies electricity to consumers at tariffs individually calculated for each specific client.
All Renergy tariffs are based on hourly intervals and the day-ahead market price index (RDN), however, equally important for the formation of tariffs is the electricity consumption model, daily schedule, as well as additional services that are included for the client.
In order for us to offer your business the most favorable tariff, select one of the three main consumption models and click the “Request tariff!” button.
Energy mix
Discounts from DAM
The simplest tariff. The consumer simply buys electricity according to the DAM market index, and also pays for the services of transportation and distribution of electricity.
A significant share (up to 15%) in the energy mix is electricity from “green” sources (solar, hydro and nuclear power plants).
In this tariff, Renergy provides discounts depending on consumption volumes.
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Direct connection to SES
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Energy savings
Businesses that have their own solar generation on their balance sheet (if there is no generation yet, Renergy is ready to build it) consume electricity only to cover their needs, which such generation cannot cover.
All offsets for independently produced and consumed electricity from the grid are provided by Renergy.
The tariff is calculated based on the volumes and consumption schedules of the business and the parameters of the solar power plant.
Business savings are achieved by replacing grid electricity with own generation and can reach 65%
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Corporate agreement
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Energy savings
Businesses that do not have their own solar generation and do not want to build it, but have free space for its placement, can receive a special tariff for the supply of electricity from a solar power plant that will be financed and built by Renergy. In this case, the client will receive significant savings on its transportation and distribution services.
The missing electricity will be supplied by Renergy at market rates, however, it is possible to receive additional discounts based on the customer's volumes and consumption schedule.
The total savings can reach 30%.
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